District 9 A.A. GSR Welcome Letter: Download

“The General Service Representative (GSR) has the job of linking his or her home group with A.A. as a whole. The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the group’s thoughts to the District Committee Member (DCM) and to the Delegate, who passes them on to the conference. The communication is a two-way street, making the GSR responsible for bringing back to the group Conference Actions that affect unity, health, and growth. Only when a GSR keeps the group informed, and communicates the group conscience, can the Conference truly act for A.A. as a whole.”
 - The A.A Service Manual, pg. S26

New GSR Orientation Slideshow with Audio and Video: Stream on YouTube
New GSR Orientation Slideshow (No Audio w/ Links): Download

Through your elected District Committee Member (DCM) and the Oregon Area Delegate, you will become the two- way link between your group and the world of AA as a whole. As such, you and your fellow GSRs all over the world have become the key to the unity of AA.  You will learn more about General Service, which is based on THE THREE LEGACIES of RECOVERY, as outlined in the Twelve Steps; UNITY, as outlined in the Twelve Traditions; and SERVICE, as outlined in the AA Service Manual Combined With Twelve Concepts For World Service.

By your active presence in General Service, you will be helping to ensure that AA will still be here for future generations of suffering alcoholics.

More information about the role of a GSR can be found in the AA General Service Manual and in the GSR Pamphlet

When and How (Rotation)

The two-year terms of an area’s G.S.R.s coincide with those of its D.C.M.s and Conference delegate. So a group usually elects its G.S.R. before the assembly meeting at which the delegate is elected. September is a good month, since that gives the new G.S.R. time to study the responsibilities of the job before taking office — on January 1st (of even years) along with the new D.C.M. and the new delegate
-General Service Representative pamphlet (P-19) Copyright © 2018 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

Your First Steps

  1. Contact the District Committee Member at dcm09@aa-oregon.org and provide your contact information to ensure that you are receiving the district communications.  This information will include meeting minutes, treasurer’s reports, upcoming events, special announcements, etc.

  2. Attend the very next district meeting on the Second Wednesday of each Month at 6:45pm.

    Zoom Meeting: ID: 546 968 4077   PC: 164

  3. Fill out a Group Change Form.  This will notify the General Service Office (GSO) of the new contact information for your group.  And your home group has its own specific group number.  You can search for that number here.  If you do not find your group listed then your group has not been registered with GSO.  You will need to fill out the New Group Form for your home group.

Within a few weeks of filling out the Group Change Form, you should start receiving correspondence from GSO.  You will receive the newsletter “Box 459”, your group’s contribution reports, and most importantly your GSR Kit. If you do not receive your GSR kit within 2 months please contact the DCM so that they can follow up with the registrar.

While you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your GSR kit you can view the contents HERE.  Another resource you will find valuable is the GSR School Workbook.  We suggest you read the workbook and bring any questions you may have to the next district meeting.  

Monthly District Meetings

District meetings are held on the Second Wednesday of each Month at 6:45pm.

Zoom Meeting: ID: 546 968 4077   PC: 164

These meetings are where the district conducts its business. Reports are heard from the elected officers and the committee chairs. Discussions of the business of the previous or upcoming assembly, discussions of group problems/successes, and discussions of special events such as a workshop that the district may be organizing for the general fellowship are common as well.

Most importantly are the reports from the GSRs of the groups. Here are some things you could report on at the district meeting:

  • Have we recently changed or adjusted our contribution pie chart lately for distribution splits?

  • Have we recently implemented a new service position or updated our group handbook or bylaws?

  • Have we changed any days, times or locations of our meetings lately?

  • Did we make any other major decisions or changes at a recent business meeting?

  • Do we have any special events coming up or flyers to distribute?

  • Would we like to request a group inventory?

  • Are we planning a group inventory?

  • Have we recently done a group inventory?

  • Have we recently experienced any major problems with a safety concern or any other problems you may want to share with the district in an attempt to ask for help or direction or to share information about how your group got through it using the Steps, Traditions and/or Concepts.

Please email your report to the District Secretary at: district9pdxsecretary@gmail.com before the day of the business meeting.

Oregon Area Assemblies

Oregon Area 58 holds four service assemblies per year.  The assemblies are as follows:  February (Pre-General Service Conference), May (Post General Service Conference), September (Area Elections) and November (Service Committee roundtables). You can find further information on the Oregon Area 58 website.  

One of the agenda items at each assembly is GSR school. This session is designed to teach you about your role as a GSR.  It is recommended that you review the GSR workbook and bring a copy of it with you to the assembly. 

Oregon Area 58 Assembly Orientation

Prior to each assembly, the district holds an assembly orientation. This informational session is designed to give the GSR an opportunity to discover what the assembly is about, what to expect, what to do before and after the assembly and a platform to ask questions. This should give you a thorough understanding of what goes on at the assembly so that you may be of maximum service to your group. As each assembly has a different agenda it is suggested that you attend all four orientations throughout your first year of service. 


GSR Welcome Letter

GSR Resource Library

A.A. D9 Google Drive

Robert’s Rules of Order (OA58)

GSR Report to the DISTRICT (Template)

GSR Report to the HOME GROUP (Template)

Motions Template

Group Change Form

New Group Form

A.A. Group Pamphlet

GSR Pamphlet

Oregon Area 58 GSR Resources

Traditions Group Inventory - Short Form

Traditions and Concepts Inventory

Concepts Checklist